Additional STIPS Examples

Below is a condensed example of STIPS usage, similar to the usage in the Basic Tutorial.

It creates a scene from an existing source catalog input_sources.txt, then observes the scene with the Roman WFI F129 filter offset by 0.5 degrees in RA and rotated by 27 degrees:

from stips.scene_module import SceneModule
from stips.observation_module import ObservationModule

scm = SceneModule()

stellar = {
            'n_stars': 100,
            'age_low': 1.0e12, 'age_high': 1.0e12,
            'z_low': -2.0, 'z_high': -2.0,
            'imf': 'salpeter', 'alpha': -2.35,
            'binary_fraction': 0.1,
            'distribution': 'invpow', 'clustered': True,
            'radius': 100.0, 'radius_units': 'pc',
            'distance_low': 20.0, 'distance_high': 20.0,
            'offset_ra': 0.0, 'offset_dec': 0.0


stellar_cat_file = scm.CreatePopulation(stellar)

galaxy = {
            'n_gals': 10,
            'z_low': 0.0, 'z_high': 0.2,
            'rad_low': 0.01, 'rad_high': 2.0,
            'sb_v_low': 30.0, 'sb_v_high': 25.0,
            'distribution': 'uniform', 'clustered': False,
            'radius': 200.0, 'radius_units': 'arcsec',
            'offset_ra': 0.0, 'offset_dec': 0.0

galaxy_cat_file = scm.CreateGalaxies(galaxy)

obs = {
        'instrument': 'WFI',
        'filters': ['F129'],
        'detectors': 1,
        'distortion': False,
        'oversample': 5,
        'pupil_mask': '',
        'background': 'avg',
        'observations_id': 1,
        'exptime': 1000,
        'offsets': [{'offset_id': 1, 'offset_centre': False, 'offset_ra': 0.5, 'offset_dec': 0.0, 'offset_pa': 27.0}]

obm = ObservationModule(obs)

output_stellar_catalogues = obm.addCatalogue(stellar_cat_file)
output_galaxy_catalogues = obm.addCatalogue(galaxy_cat_file)


fits_file, mosaic_file, params = obm.finalize(mosaic=False)

In this case, the output catalog(s) will show the actual applied count rates. Whether there is only one output catalog or two depends on the input catalog format.