
STIPS is a simulation tool that depends on other modules such as PSF and exposure time calculators. These underlying submodules need to be installed for STIPS to function properly along with their supporting datasets. There are multiple options for installation and they are listed in this section along with instructions.

STIPS Requirements

  • pandeia>=3.0: Exposure time calculator.

  • webbpsf==1.1.1: Nancy Grace Roman PSF calculator. STIPS also requires that poppy, a support package used by WebbPSF, have version >=1.0.3.

  • astropy: STIPS uses Astropy in order to:

    • Read and write FITS files.

    • Read and write ASCII tables (specifically in the IPAC format).

    • Generate Sersic profile models (if any are in the generated scene).

  • montage_wrapper: STIPS uses montage to generate mosaics. It is only imported if STIPS is asked to generate a multi-detector image.

  • numpy: STIPS uses numpy extensively for almost everything that it does.

  • photutils: STIPS uses photutils to determine the flux inside the half-light radius in generated Sersic profiles.

  • synphot>=1.1.1 and stsynphot>=1.1.0: STIPS uses synphot and stsynphot to generate bandpasses, count rates, and zero points. Note that the reference data must also be downloaded, as described below in Downloading Required Reference Data.

  • scipy: STIPS uses SciPy to manipulate its internal images (zoom and rotate).

  • esutil: Used for retrieving data from sqlite databases in the form of numpy arrays.


esutil is not installed by the STIPS file because its pip installation has errors. After installing STIPS, you must run pip install esutil --no-cache-dir to have esutil available.


esutil is only needed if you are using stips.star_generator.

Finally, STIPS requires a set of data files whose location is marked by setting the environment variable stips_data, which will be installed as part of these instructions.

Installing Using Conda and Source Code

STIPS can be installed using the source code and a Conda environment file. If you do not have Anaconda or Miniconda installed, please visit the Anaconda docs for installation instructions. We have included a Conda environment file for easily installing or updating Conda packages to meet STIPS requirements. Please follow the steps below to install STIPS:

Installing as a User

  1. You will need to clone the STIPS source code from the spacetelescope/STScI-STIPS repository. cd into the directory where you would like to store the source code and run:

    git clone
    cd STScI-STIPS
  2. The environment file can be used in two ways:

    • To create a new Conda environment named stips:

      conda env create -f environment.yml
      conda activate stips
    • Or, to install to or update an existing and currently active Conda environment:

      conda env update --file environment.yml

Installing as a Developer

  1. This step is identical to the first step of Installing as a User.

  2. Follow the second step of Installing as a User but using the environment_dev.yml file instead of environment.yml.

Downloading Required Reference Data

STIPS, Pandeia, and WebbPSF need the reference datasets. You will need to download the data and add them to your environmental path.

  1. Add the following paths to your bash environmental path. It is recommended that you add the path to your .bash_profile file:

export stips_data="<absolute_path_to_this_folder>/ref_data/stips_data"
export WEBBPSF_PATH="<absolute_path_to_this_folder>/ref_data/webbpsf-data"
export PYSYN_CDBS="<absolute_path_to_this_folder>/ref_data/grp/redcat/trds"
export pandeia_refdata="<absolute_path_to_this_folder>/ref_data/pandeia_data-x.x.x_roman"


Make sure that you have the correct version number for pandeia_refdata (replace the “x.x.x”).

  1. cd into the ref_data directory in your STScI-STIPS clone.

  2. Run the following code (after ensuring your stips Conda environment is active):


Testing Installation

To test if all the required files have been installed, please import STIPS in Python:

bash-3.2$ python
Python 3.7.3 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Dec  6 2019, 08:36:57)
[Clang 9.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_900/final)] :: Anaconda, Inc. on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

>>> import stips

>>> print(stips.__env__report__)

You should receive an output of the following form:

STIPS Version x.y.z with Data Version x.y.z at /Some/Path/To/stips_data

STIPS Grid Generated with x.y.z

Pandeia version a.b.c with Data Version a.b.c. at /Some/Path/To/pandeia_refdata

Webbpsf Version d.e.f with Data Version d.e.f at /Some/Path/To/webbpsf_data_path

Ignore the following warning message if it appears:

WARNING: stips_data environment variable not found. Falling back on local STIPS data.